Program List

The number of (the)data : 4
  • Entertainment
  • Entertainment

Atom's Last Shot


Nayuta is a young genius video game developer who works independently. His anonymity had gained him the moniker “the Banksy of video games,” until a certain incident caused him to shy away from games and live quietly. Meanwhile, the long-standing toy company Atom decides to delve into the video game industry in order to overcome their financial crisis. With no funds or experience, the people at Atom make a desperate attempt to contact Nayuta, the Banksy of video games, but will they succeed? Can they write a new chapter in the cut-throat world of video games?

나유타는 혼자서 게임을 제작하는 젊은 천재 게임 개발자.
누구도 그의 본모습을 모르기 때문에 「게임업계의 뱅크시」라 불렸지만 어느 사건을 계기로 게임 개발에서 떠나 조용히 살고 있다.
한편 폐업의 위기를 맞게 된 노포 완구 메이커 「아톰」은 경영 재건을 위해 새로운 사업「게임제작」으로 경영의 방향을 돌린다
자금도 노하우도 없는 아톰은 지푸라기라도 잡는 심정으로 「게임업계의 뱅크시」인 나유타와 연락을 취하려 분투하지만...
경쟁이 치열한 게임업계에 새로운 전설을 탄생시킬 수 있을까!?



  • Comedy
  • Detective
  • Mystery
  • Comedy
  • Detective
  • Mystery

Time Limit Investigator 2019


- “Ex” criminal whose crime has reached the statute of limitation vs. Kiriyama, who regards investigation as his hobby- The legendary comedy-mystery “Time Limit Investigator” returns for the first time in twelve years!

“You are the one who’s done that, aren’t you? The statute of limitations on serious crimes is abolished now, but your case had expired before that. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.”

Many unsolved crime cases have reached the statute of limitations, and many “ex” criminals managed to escape from accusations. In Japan, the statute of limitations for murder was abolished in 2010, but there are still piles of unsolved cases that had expired before that.

Time Limit Investigator 2019 is a drama about “a criminal who managed to escape” versus “an investigator who conducts investigations as his hobby. “ Now that there is no statute of limitations for murder anymore, his only ambition is to prove that his reasoning is correct. Surreal and pop, with laid-back characters, this is a mystery drama that makes one feel relaxed and at peace.

  • Comedy
  • School
  • Sports
  • Comedy
  • School
  • Sports

We Are Rockets!


Wakaba Fujitani is a high school sophomore in Fukui Prefecture. Ever since she was little, she has been an ardent fan of the JETS, a top high school cheer dance team from her hometown that won the U.S. national championship for the first time. Her dream is to one day join the team and win the coveted U.S. national championship again. But when Wakaba fails to pass the school’s entrance examination, her aspiration of even becoming a cheer dancer are crushed, and she settles for attending a high school in a neighboring town where she spends most of her time merely cheering at sporting events as part of her school’s weak cheerleading club. Then one day, Yuri, a transfer student from Tokyo with a forceful personality arrives and befriends Wakaba, suddenly suggesting that the two of them try out for the cheer dance team. Startled by this turn of events, Wakaba slowly begins to feel a rekindling of her long-cherished childhood dream.

후지타니 와카바는 후쿠이현에 있는 고등학교2학년생. 어린 시절 지역강호 치어댄스 부「JETS」가 처음으로 전미 우승을 달성한 연기를 보고 동경심을 가지게 된다.
장래 자신도 같은 치어댄스부에 들어가 전미 우승을 하겠다는 꿈을 꾸게 되지만, 고교 입시에 실패하면서 어느새 치어댄스마저 자신에게는 불가능할거라고 생각한다.
이웃마을 고등학교에 입학한후 약소한 치어리더부에서 운동부를 응원만하는 고교생활 을 보내고 있었다.
어느날, 도쿄에서 온 저돌적인 전학생 시오리는 와카바에게 치어댄스를 하자고 제안한 다. 시오리의 갑작스런 제안에 당황하지만 와카바의 마음속에 어릴적부터 품어왔던 치어댄스를 향한 뜨거운 마음이 되살아난다.


  • Comedy
  • Human
  • Horror
  • Entertainment
  • Drama (Series)

  • Comedy
  • Human
  • Horror
  • Entertainment
  • Drama (Series)

Room Laundering


Her work is known as "room laundering," the task of purifying places where unnatural death has occurred.
From one dubious apartment to another, Miko Yakumo (Elaiza Ikeda) is constantly moving.
Her line of work involves purifying abodes where unnatural death has occurred - places found by her uncle, Goro Ikazuchi (Jo Odagiri) - by "laundering" them and making them livable for the next tenants.
At every residence, she encounters the original tenant-turned ghost who hasn't been able to cross over into the spirit world. And since she is able to see them, she ends up having to listen to all their troubles and woes.
And she reconnects with the insufferable Akito Nijikawa (Kentaro Ito), her former neighbor of the room she used to rent, and love blossoms between them?!
